Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hi, Real Life!

June to present has been a whirlwind... interviewing for/leaving and entering multiple jobs, spending a lot of time with my dying grampa, creating a new piece, yet another new job, performing/teching/insanity/fun at Seacoast Fringe Festival, funeral, auditioning dancers, shooting weddings, revamping aforementioned piece to be performed at Mobius, rehearsals, growing work hours, writing 5 grants with Merli and (oh yeah) remodeling our house, I've been gradually falling more and more behind.  Oh right... and running out of Ritalin like 3 weeks ago when I fired my psychiatrist.

But all that has changed!

After shooting a wedding on Saturday I spent the weekend on the Cape, and it was just relaxing and easy and perfect.  We drove around, spent time at the beach on a beautiful day, enjoyed my Gramma and Twyla's birthdays, and just did not too much of anything.  Perfect!

Today I've had time to clean, rearrange my office furniture and set up the iMac, put away lots of laundry, and catch up on Luminarium work and COGdesign work, and I am feeling just so much better.

Now I'm onto producing an AMAZING show for Luminarium's end of 2011 season, becoming a 501 c3 (any day now...), catching up on car appointments/health appointments, fundraising, painting my front door, and applying for MORE grants.  Soon I will be caught up on life...

This entry has zero purpose, just wanted to chronicle the feel-good vibes.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw this now. The good news is, you've succeeded in producing yet another incredible show, despite setbacks and restrictions you didn't even know you'd have to face when you were writing this post. Congratulations on a job well done!!
