Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kim's Pick-Me-Up Video Playlist. Volume 3. (Procrastination Edition)

In writing my toast to speak at Steph and Wes' wedding this weekend Merli sent me this AMAZING video.  I am officially scrapping my entire speech to recreate the following performance.  It really starts to get good about a minute in...

The best part about my new obsession with the Toast video, is that it chased the next video out of my head.

Russell thinks it is hilarious to get the most ridiculous and catchy thing he can find stuck in my head (I am a serial repeater of stupid things) and I've been singing Muchos Hornos for a month or so...

Goodbye many ovens, hello 4-slice toaster.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No one ever writes blog entries anymore and I need to have procrastination outlets... It's much more interesting to read about friends than to spend way too much time on stumbleupon.  Just saying...

(Translation, when, Merli, you check your stats (which I know you will...) and notice I've checked out your blog like a bunch of times in the past couple of days... don't get entirely creeped out.  It was before I realized we had a telepathic channel open?)

GAME FACE/Gertrude Stein 2

I love being an artist and love surrounding myself with artists of all sorts of mediums, but why is there so little discussion?  I find myself discussing medicine, education, politics, business with many different friends, but where is the topic that I am passionate about?  If I am Gertrude Stein, where are Hemingway/Fitzgerald/Eliot/Anderson etc?  What happened to the salon?  Can't we all get together and drink champagne and smoke cigars and harrumph a lot and listen to music and grow/stroke mustaches?  That is precisely what my life is missing.

Then again maybe that disappearing act is what happens when coined the Lost Generation...

This stems from having to go to a work workshop tonight that was allllllll about executive function disorders including hits such as ADHD, Autism, the works.  It made me miss being intellectually stimulated.  All of the material was first day of developmental psych 101... or your mother is a therapist 101.  Brain... melting...

GAME FACE/Gertrude Stein 1

Sometimes I wish I was braver than I appear to be.

Impulsive/adventurous/ridiculous/fun-loving, yes... and brave on a physical level, absolutely, but not emotionally brave.

It's funny to think back to grade school/high school and compare it to now.  Half of the other kids thought I was nothing more than quiet/shy/snobby while my friends knew that was a complete lie.  These days I find myself combining both.  I am still wild/silly/crazy Kim, but the shy person inside holds on to some of the thoughts and words that I wish would venture out.  Butttt thoughts turn into words turn into consequences. Right?

Another day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

what now!

The new blogger layout sucks.

I'm insanely busy while fairly bored, but needing more of something I can't define.

Too many things are unsaid and withheld and it's so crystal clear to see that they are out there, but finding a way to let them out is not clear at all.

I would like someone to come make me laugh for hours riiiiiiight now.  Or, maybe I just need a trained/willing-to-be-trained monkey (the dog is too cool for free entertainment)!

Candidates for new boyfriend/entertainee: Mel Brooks, Jon Hamm, any of the Flight of the Conchords fellows, Will Ferrell, Gene Kelly, ohhhhhh does the list go on!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

artistic responsibility?

So, I have barely any time to elaborate, but thoughts need to come out somewhere.

I do what I do because I love it, not for money, or glory, or status or really any other reason.

When I am sitting in the house for RENT, waiting for tech to start, and cue-to-cue should have been done the day before (with 3 days to opening night) but the lighting designer has disappeared off the face of the earth, it's not 'Kim Saves the Day', it's more like I am the only body in that theatre that has the knowledge/training to get up in that light booth and start designing.  It's an obligation, but in a good way- I enjoy last-minute stress and that I can use my design knowledge.  I also want this show that we've been working on for a couple months to get it's moment on stage, not just MY choreography, it's the whole picture.

Do I wish I could have commandeered this job two weeks ago, if I knew this would happen?  Yes.  I could make this show look amazing with the theatre's crazy tech resources.  However, this is not the case.  I'm working off of a shoddy house plot, but there is NO time for regrets... only time to do the best I can with the resources on hand.

Lots of people said "I hope you're getting paid for this..." etc, and ideally pay would be great, but if not me, then who?  I can donate my rising stress level and earmarked sleep hours to make a show that looks semi-alright, instead of a show done with all lights up or all lights out.

I could spout on this for like 3 more hours but I need to go to work, do the Lorax (which I so couldn't do without Mark making the AWESOME props/set),  rush to tech, finish designing/cue to cue at same time at Babson and hope the state of the union is ok over there, try to do a run through.


Friday, April 6, 2012

silly things

Someone I knew in high school consistently posts their horoscope on Facebook, and I usually laugh/roll my eyes at the frequency of the postings in a borderline pretentious-bitchy kind of way.  I could unfriend this person or block their posts, but I am too lazy.  Anyways, today, after probably years of watching these silly things roll by I finally clicked, found my zodiac sign, and got this horoscope...

While I like the picture of the lady and the crab (I think it's the colors), it really reinforces that these horoscope people are smart!!  Anyone could take any of these horoscopes and make it apply to their own life.  This leads me wonder if there is any merit to horoscopes/psychics/zodiac signs, or it is just purely constructed by humans to give themselves something to marvel at.  When I went to a psychic at the Tremont Tearoom last year they said things that were creepily accurate, but even though I was trying to have a strict poker face and not help them guess the answers, how much of that is really parlor tricks? I want the answers!


I don't know if this is part of being an adult, or being obscenely busy, but I REALLY miss being flexible enough to incorporate spontaneous/random hangouts with friends.  In high school and college it was so easy to be like 'oh hey, so-and-so, where are you and wanna go do x/y/z?'... I had some of the best adventures this way, and now it's hard to even coordinate things a week or two in advance!  

Peter Pan had the right idea.


no explanation needed...