Tuesday, April 10, 2012

artistic responsibility?

So, I have barely any time to elaborate, but thoughts need to come out somewhere.

I do what I do because I love it, not for money, or glory, or status or really any other reason.

When I am sitting in the house for RENT, waiting for tech to start, and cue-to-cue should have been done the day before (with 3 days to opening night) but the lighting designer has disappeared off the face of the earth, it's not 'Kim Saves the Day', it's more like I am the only body in that theatre that has the knowledge/training to get up in that light booth and start designing.  It's an obligation, but in a good way- I enjoy last-minute stress and that I can use my design knowledge.  I also want this show that we've been working on for a couple months to get it's moment on stage, not just MY choreography, it's the whole picture.

Do I wish I could have commandeered this job two weeks ago, if I knew this would happen?  Yes.  I could make this show look amazing with the theatre's crazy tech resources.  However, this is not the case.  I'm working off of a shoddy house plot, but there is NO time for regrets... only time to do the best I can with the resources on hand.

Lots of people said "I hope you're getting paid for this..." etc, and ideally pay would be great, but if not me, then who?  I can donate my rising stress level and earmarked sleep hours to make a show that looks semi-alright, instead of a show done with all lights up or all lights out.

I could spout on this for like 3 more hours but I need to go to work, do the Lorax (which I so couldn't do without Mark making the AWESOME props/set),  rush to tech, finish designing/cue to cue at same time at Babson and hope the state of the union is ok over there, try to do a run through.


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