Thursday, November 15, 2012

Picture 5 naked men in towels, minus steam, surrounded by books.

My new couch is here and I don't know where to sit on it.  It's a beautiful L-shaped couch, beautiful cream Italian leather that still smells like leather.  Each offshoot is the same length, meaning 3 people could probably sleep on it at the same time (I was trying to make this into something ridiculous but just left myself giggling instead).  The end of one side turns into a chaise which Twyla has laid claim to.

I'm currently sprawled out in the corner of it, and I feel like a kid in a fort.  A very expensive fort, but solid all the same.  I was the fort master as a kid.  Especially at my Adie and Pop-Pop's house.  They had a big downstairs room that had 2 doors- one led to a cedar sauna that had been converted into a library (picture 5 naked men in towels, minus steam, surrounded by books.... that's what I always pictured!), and another door that had a bottom half and top half that opened separately that turned into a sort of plant-growing room with grow lights.  We would try to make a big enough fort with blankets and pillows and couches and other things to make a fort that connected the sauna to the tricky half-door.  Tunnels, passageways, sub-fort living space... our forts were never lacking :)

Anyways, back to the current problem.  I feel like we are in the formative couch days.  Eventually I will have a 'spot' on this couch, one that isn't easily changeable because other couch users will find their own spots.  I need to pick wisely.  I could pick normal couch sections, where I could sit upright, do all of my work-from-home in a ergonomic way, spread out.  I'm sorry have we met?  I could pick the chaise, but that might be too free-form, and Twyla already has kind of taken ownership of it.  I am leaning to the corner (literally and otherwise), since there is lots of stability with not one side but two, and extra area so I can lay upside down and put my legs just about anywhere.

Development:  Enough space to do 2 backwards rolls, more if I could turn a corner while rolling.

1 comment:

  1. this is the post title that flagged your blog to read in Sweden I am sure as suggestions are given to readers based on interests and Sauna is everything there!.... Now, to figure out why Russia is interested..Hmm
