Friday, February 3, 2012

examining stress

This week I learned how my extreme love for arts-related stress doesn't not translate to a love for house, auto, relationship or really bitch-work stress.

I think the combination of going back on Ritalin led to new-medication serious loss of appetite, which led to eating only a fruit and maybe a yogurt every day and also a serious delay in bedtime, which led to a generally bad mood and a funk.  Car/house related crap (along with planning for auditions/class/rehearsal, which at least I generally like to do) made me get super far behind on keeping up with neatness around the house, and then when it gets messy I can't function in the chaos.

Point being, at least I caught my mistakes and can try to remedy them.  I slept for 9 hours last night and it felt AWESOME, despite a nasty sleep-related muscle knot in my back.

I would love to be the proud owner of the robot maid from the Jetsons (rosie?...), we could chat about art and philosophy while she picked up my stuff. ha.

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