Monday, June 18, 2012

hodge podge of thoughts.

Finally watching the season finale of Mad Men... bahhhhhhhhhhh! What is it with AMC shows-  I'm so obsessed with Breaking Bad for its fabulously subtle and intelligent layering and foreshadowing of plot and it's downright amazing sound creations.

This was the first weekend in awhile that didn't feel short (too short), and I am so grateful for that.  Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights all started or ended with gin and solid conversation/discussion from a variety of locations including my backyard, Oberon/Harv Sq, and a chilly rooftop bar in South Boston overlooking the harbor.  Usually sitting and talking and enjoying the moment doesn't happen often enough...

Unfortunately things phase out and shut down too quickly/early in this city.  In new york it's easy to lose track of time until it's morning, but when closing time taps you on the shoulder in boston I always feel a bit let down and also out of options; there are no fields to go lay in with your friends and be silly about made-up constellations, no one's parents' hot tubs to mischievously skinny dip in, no unnecessary trips to one of only 2 stores open 24-hours a day just for hijinxs. OR, maybe this is all just an attempt to not become a 25-year old adult in just one month.

I am having blooming choreographic/concept ideas vault around my head.  I'm seriously wishing I didn't have to work at all this summer and I could just dive into creating and thinking and researching and thinking and so on.  I'm finding myself working wonderfully backwards- my brain picked a few stories I wanted to dive into months ago, but only now am I finding myself making connections and filling in the gaps and falling in love with each story.   Maybe sometime I will share thoughts on my new projects here, but for now I don't want to write about them.  I AM currently eager to share my thoughts and ideas, I just don't like to do so in this kind of format.  Whoever is listening can't ask questions or share their thoughts/counter ideas, and it's too passive for me.

I feel bad for anyone stuck in their own minds and preconceptions.  I've been encountering this all over the place, recently.  I used to think I would be a horrible lawyer because I have the ability to see and understand anyone else's reasoning.  Now I realize that I am safely rooted in my own ideas/morals/opinions, but able to try on other ideas/opinions- like a floaty piece of ocean-floor seaweed.  I've come to love people being blatantly honest with me through their words, life is too short for games.

Time for a mango, because, you know, 12:32 is officially international mango time.

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