Thursday, January 5, 2012

late night rambling pt 1

What do you consider your life's biggest mistake?  Is it reversible and/or does it really need to be reversed? On what scale can we rate negative things that we've caused to ourselves, since it is a bit tricky to escape bias for our self-impression...

Is there anyone out there who hasn't ever made a mistake, a bad judgement call, something they wish they could take back?  What a boring life you must lead, whoever you are!

I think those invisible scars, the things we think back upon and regret (with a hint of nostalgia?) are the best hints at who we really are, how well you know whoever is inside your body.  Perhaps I say this as someone who has never murdered someone or an equivalent ultimate action, but I take comfort in my messups and wear them around my shoulders like a nice (faux) fur coat.  Recognizing them makes me own me/know me, even if I happen to commit those same mistakes again.

[This isn't meant to be such a dreadful/depressing little blip on your blog radar, just celebrating imperfection... a wonderful thing!]

1 comment:

  1. Never heard teachable moments compared to a fur coat...recognizing and owning is the key, so maybe that is true for fur coats too as they can get stolen? Stolen then equals gone thus lost opportunity to own....hmm
