Monday, May 7, 2012

Sweater thievery

Wearing a stolen sweatshirt/sweater pullover that I didn't steal... Part of me wants to take it off, but I don't know who it belongs to so it's either keep, or donate. Also it's so amazingly soft, warm and lightweight that it would be a struggle to convince myself to shed the layer. Double also, whoever last wore this gave it the most amazing smell; a subtle sweetness, not overly floral, a hint of some masculine smell but not too musky. I know this is probably really weird but I'm kind of enjoying being wrapped up in this stranger's wonderful scent. While i have no guesses to the former owners gender, style or any other details (its quite nondescript) it makes me think about this garment's potential adventurous journey. Perhaps, to ease my guilt, I'll spend some time with it, leave my own combination of scent, and leave it somewhere new for another person to take it with them...


  1. Well hey thanks. Still debating putting it in the wash, since it still smells epically awesome and I know that will disappear if I do so...
