Tuesday, May 1, 2012

the clothes may make the man, all a girl needs is a tan?

I was arguing (with love) with a friend of mine, who believes that if (SUPER condensed version) you consider yourself a feminist you need to prove it every day of your life; every thing you say, think, wear, do must reflect the struggle you and generations of women past endured for equal rights.

I absolutely consider myself a strong independent woman.  I went to a women's college... I know the history, I know the battles, I know the current problems and inequities, I know what aspects of being a woman will perhaps always be a struggle.

Where I am going with this... There are days where I just want to wear pencil skirts or pretty dresses and red lipstick and high heels.  I want to make like I am an extra on the set of Mad Men and perhaps twirl my hair a bit and dance through my day.   Above-mentioned-friend, groaned in mock disgust (hopefully mock!) at this statement.

Does this make me a hypocrite?  Does this discount my gender/make me any less of a power lady?  I don't think so...  I'm still successful, doing what I love, not taking crap from anyone etc.  I think if you like what you are wearing and how you are presenting yourself you are bound to be infinitely more successful (or at least have a better day).  My friend argued this was some sort of 'secretary mentality'.  Perhaps it is, but I think the difference is that I can't stand complacency in life/career choices?

Anyways, sick of writing. I would be curious to hear other opinions on this.


  1. I think women fought hard so you could wear whatever you want, including pencil skirts. I think being a feminist means advocating for yourself and other people who are being discriminated against (male or female), knowing your rights, and accepting no less than equality for all. And equality means that you're treated with respect regardless of your fashion choices. Though I admit, I may have groaned a little at the thought of being a mandmen extra. But it's your call, Power Lady.

    1. All fair and great. I think there is a difference between wearing something you feel great in, and wearing a low-cut shirt to work that intentionally screams LOOK AT MY BOOBS (there's a time and place? haha)... You have to expect that the latter clothing option was a purposeful choice, and making that choice = certain consequences in how people speak to you/treat you.

      I just don't get women that position themselves backed into a 'even a quick glance aimed anywhere near my body, and i'll rip your eyes out' corner. It's one thing to wear comfortable loose clothes if you find them preferable, it's another to wear them as a uniform.

      Funny thing about Mad Men fashion is that I think it's way more modest than today, it just fits a million times better. I wish clothes were still custom tailored to fit every individual body. Also, I wouldn't want to be a boring secretary, but Joan and Peggy are both pretty awesome badass women. Then again, I guess they aren't extras ;) . Let's make our own power lady show? It can wait until after the commissioned Ether choreography.

    2. I think you should be able to wear a boob shirt and still be treated with respect. I respect men I see who aren't wearing shirts for whatever reason. People need to learn self control when interacting with others. There's a huge discrepancy between what's acceptable for men and women to wear on this point.

      I wear loose clothes because they're more comfortable to me, but my dad always accuses me of it being a uniform, like I'm trying to make a statement. Yeah. The statement is: "lazy."

      I don't think it's the clothes in Mad Men that made me groan, they are cute. It's the idea of being a Mad Men extra. Just a terrible time and place to be a woman, if you ask me.

    3. Cleavage crazy shirt yeah, but only if it's because it's something you want to wear and like yourself in it. I'm all about the low cut shirt, but for my own enjoyment (why does that sound so weird) ....not to make people look just for the sake of making people look, but that's just my opinion!

      And loose clothes rock, but only because we are lazy and they are comfy and one saves a considerable amount of time and thought throwing on sweats or leggings post-work instead of thinking out another outfit! No loose clothes as a decoy, though, or a consistent disguise from a world of eyes (not including the omg i feel disgusting today-occasional day).

      Sometimes I feel judged by my mailman. I like to rock a silk kimono in the mornings while I am trying to summon brain power to get my day thought out, or my choreography flowing... I probably look like an underclothed nut, but it's more of a productivity outfit than a try to make the mailman embarassed outfit.
