12/12/12 Concert... SO good- a treat on a Wednesday.
This concert is also like a fun musical tour of growing up... so here, unfortunately for anyone reading this, is my live thought process while watching and remembering.
We started with Pink Floyd, and my mind goes back to a 3-hour car ride to Maine with my mom and Jenn where Jenn and I enjoyed yelling the lyrics of Another Brick in the Wall. Maybe second grade? That led my mom to try some tricky question-posing so we could discover (ourselves) what the song actually meant... not sure Jenn ever got it, but she always loved anything she could hum or yell to as a spunky little kid. Also childhood related was tons and tons of Clapton... When your uncle tours with the fellow, associated conversation is plentiful at family gatherings.
The Who also falls into this family category. When we went to London in the middle school years and stayed at the same Uncle's house I remember the answering machine taking a call... "Hi Roddy, this is Pete (townshend)..." and my mom asking me if I knew who that was. Nope. After that I educated myself in all thing British rock...
Fast forward to late middle school school, now that The Who is doing Tommy and my heart is hugely warm. Tommy links into dance memories- we did See Me... in one of my first modern classes and it took me a really really long time to get it (mentally) and what made the show so great. In middle/high school land I often wrinkled my nose at Bon Jovi- never liked him or his music too much. I spent many a school dance vacating the dance floor when Living on a Prayer came on. Whatever.
High school... the time of Coldplay and also Alicia Keys making it cool to be a lady-pianist. Also, it's the first time I saw Movin Out'-- which neatly lets me throw Billy Joel into this jumble of thoughts.
Having a hard time working Kanye in, as he has now taken the stage... except for that I was into Daft Punk, and then he covered Harder Better Faster? I am lying only a tiny bit because I could proudly rap all of Gold Digger at some point... Not embarassing at all. Don't like his leather kilt with hoodie, leggings and white sneaks ensemble, and neither am I a fan of the sampling of Shirley Bassey in whatever song he is doing now.
Because I'm lazy it's time to wrap this up.
I don't know how they're gonna fit in Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, Chris Martin, Dave Grohl in the next 30 minutes...
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