Friday, March 30, 2012

I thought I would at least be dilemma free for awhile, and now I am a bit stuck again! Hmm...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I was having a decent enough evening, trying to live like the average responsible adult, making chicken soup... watching episodes of the Walking Dead while consuming aforementioned soup (yes, I can eat while watching zombie carnage, I am proud of this talent)... really doing nothing and trying to embrace it.

Fortunately, my evening took a HUGE turn for the amazing when I saw this Conan clip...

Someday, Will Ferrell, birthday buddy, we will meet.  Until then I will just quote all of your movies and sing Producers songs in the shower.

prune city

long baths are dangerous, it's not very often i have time for absolutely nothing, and being confined in water  is when i can release my minds and thoughts... then the thoughts unfurl in this endless stream of progression and go and go and go like the rolling steam constantly flowing across the top of the water.

the worst part is making the decision to switch the drain, because it not only ends a bath but it ends time to think and conclusions i could come to given a bit more time.

Friday, March 23, 2012

thursday #1212

Yup, that's right.  This is the 1212th Thursday of my life.

Actually it's probably not right, my notorious math skills have most likely led my answer astray.

There is also no real news for today, besides last night I slept on my back for the first time ever.  I can't remember what inspired this choice.

MAD MEN.  Sunday.  So excited.  After approximately 2 false alarms as to the date of its return, I can safely say I will be tuned in on Sunday.  Only thing that could be better would be to be in Mad Men... either the show or in real life... but only as someone awesome like Joan or Peggy (or a girl Don Draper/Roger Sterling)- no suburban housewifery, please.  The Menkens department store lady (Rachel?) is pretty kickass too... beats Don Draper at his own game.  Bam.

Aaaaand now I will stop procrastinating sleep; at least after I go take a long bath :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

people quirk

I don't like when someone has something on their mind and doesn't just come out with it!  What good does it do to keep something to yourself and let it stew?  I think it could be anything, positive or negative or just downright confusing news/thoughts/ideas/feelings, and one should just say it.  Even if it is something that will bring your world crashing down, at least whatever it is will cease tearing you up inside.

So, friends, be brave and speak your minds!  No worries if it isn't eloquently worded, or if it is crass or ridiculous.

I think this mini-rant stems from several conversations, and many more observed conversations, where people are just too 'polite' to speak their own opinions, which really just sucks!  Who hasn't been that half of a conversation where someone agrees with you when it is most obvious that they have a completely different opinion.  A step further, too many friends have kept their feelings (frustrated, romantic, friendly or otherwise) inside to the point of emotional wreck.  It's funny to think we live in a world where people are scared of their own words that come out of their mouths organically, but write ridiculous extreme things in incredibly public digital places.

I'm sure I am guilty of not saying aloud the thoughts that are on my mind, but I can acknowledge this.

Challenge- Tell someone (stranger, friend or family) a ridiculous secret you've kept to yourself, or what you are thinking about at an exact point in time.  Ready, go!

Monday, March 12, 2012

full of hot air

I forgot how much of a summer lover I am until it strikes, and I can't bring myself to stay indoors.  It gets to be a problem when I look at a clock only to realize I need to leave for work, and I'm still wearing a tank top and pajama shorts with no makeup on my face and have wild hair.

Warm weather is for hijinks and running around Cambridge and staying up way too late and enjoying spray parks in the wee hours of the morning.  Some day I might be too old for being a wild adrenaline-junkie-adventurer-mischief maker (though hopefully not) so this is best to do before I am an entire quarter of a century old, no?

A miscellaneous thought... Titanic 3-d, why??  James Cameron can't need the money and no one wants to sit through 3 hours of sinking ship epic awkwardness... nude Kate Winslet and clothed Kathy Bates can only gain back so much ground... I've seen Titanic way too many times (a grand total of 3 times) for a movie I really cannot stand to sit through.  Gross.  Hope there aren't too many more commercials for it, makes me a bit nauseous.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

good day.

Today was a totally great and solid day.

+Woke up, went on an iTunes binge (forgot to sync the iPod after that, unfortunately)... ran a super deep and super hot bubble bath.
+Took an hour long bath complete with lipstick and a killer playlist (if you haven't taken a bubble bath with lipstick on and you are a female, it comes highly recommended... also inspired by mad men coming back oh so soon)
+Did some work related odds-ends, phone meetings, but it wasn't too bad, brewed some awesome Oolong tea
+Work, which was decent since we had a meeting and worked out some issues that had been problematic...
+Starbucks run...
+RENT rehearsal, which rocked since Mark came to teach some of the dancers how to tango!  I got to learn it too (haven't done any tango since one short class in early college), and i LOVED it.  Apparently Asia isn't my continent (sorry, merli!) but I was feeling South America!  Unfortunately, who knows when the heck I'll have the opportunity to do that again.

Supposedly tomorrow is going to be amazing and warm, and that will only serve to boost my mood!  I am such a warm-weather girl...

Now I need to get going on Thursday night's class, tomorrow morning's meetings, and finishing up so many little things.

Since it is now Wednesday, a HUGE happy birthday to my little sister who is not so little anymore.  It feels like just yesterday you were crawling around and trying to bite me, but I'm glad you have since realized you are not a dog.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

the every other year itch?

What life changes do I have to make to get to go to parties where this just happens...

Random song and dance are definitely lacking from all social events I have recently attended.  (I refuse to be embarrassed that I am completely addicted to SMASH, though they should stick with the original stuff, I'm not always loving the covers of random songs. If you're looking for a better Marilyn fix read this fascinating book.  I once read it cover to cover on a bus ride to NYC and I've been some what in love with it ever since!)  


I am very happy in musical theatre land right now, meaning it's going to be the worst post-show funk ever! I was a bit cynical approaching RENT, but I am lucky enough to be working with a great creative team that is lucky in itself to be cohesive and similarly-minded!  This is the first show where I've been able to approach the choreography (to an extent...) as Kim the choreographer, not Kim the musical-theatre choreographer.  I love it.  I kind of wish this whole process was being experienced on a more professional level, I would be able to go soooooo much further with my work, but I'm grateful for the opportunity, even though choreographing Rent as a freelance-artist-hired-by-a-business-school is probably making Jonathan Larson turn in his grave...


I think I am having my quarter life crisis.  I'll work through it... Quarter-life-crisis + spring-time itch + theatre-high = living a crazy life right now.  What's tough is that no one has the time to come be adventurous and have fun when I have the time to do so, but I guess that's fair since everyone I know has lots going on.


My awkward two elbows and one knee floor burn (debatably from Merli's class last Thurs) has turned into two brown stripes on my elbows and an awkward patch on my left knee.  Temporary marks on my own body freak me out since I have so many scrapes, scars, freckles, indents, weird marks that are permanent, and that I keep serious track of.  

If this is the best thing I have to write about perhaps I am done.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Looking forward to this photoshoot marathon all day for the sake of having beautiful new images for our company...

...inside I am still that weasely little girl that hates having her picture taken and delights in making awful faces in said pictures.

Game face.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

3rd post in 3 days. gross. this one is free of grammar rules and regulations.

Just scrapped a lengthy and awkwardly metaphoric blog post about bonsai gardens... it was just too damn middle-school-emo to post.


really it comes down to figuring out what i want in life, figuring out how to get there, and figuring out whether or not it fits and meshes with my current lily pad (on a plant theme tonight, i guess), and if not whether it's worth it to float back down to earth and make it fit.

my current problem is that i have no grasp on what is 'normal', though i would like to be filled in, and if I am living it; but then again i have no desire to live normally.

how much does 'deserve' play into the averaged out balance of day to day life, and how do you gain these deserve points if it does?  is it even possible in 2012 to average out to deliriously happy every single day?  how do I get there... or do I have to be gandhi/buddha/jesus/ellen degeneres/will ferrell...  and maybe all of those people are in on a big secret, and maybe the secret is that life is just pretty mediocre for us all. not bad, just straight down the middle average.  lots of people say this is actually a good thing, so you can feel the highs and the lows, and it makes you appreciate each more, but what if your normal exists slightly below the national average... you're missing out!! how can one linger in that fluttery honeymoon stage with anything and everything and everyone they love for infinite amounts of time?

what do YOU want for your normal everyday life?  something fantastically wonderful every day?  do you deserve it, do you need to deserve it?  is it greedy/selfish/ridiculous to want magic every day?

this is partially ridiculous to write, because i am a pretty lucky girl with an often pretty great life.  i am fortunate, i am doing what i love, i know some wonderful people, i have some marvelous opportunities.  just wishing my life was more like my iPhone, and I could close down the apps working in the background (stress, random bullshit, bad feelings, problems) so I could capitalize on making my machine/life run at nearly perfect efficiency.


why are my nails so awful?

no illegal substances went into the making of this blog post.