Tuesday, March 6, 2012

the every other year itch?

What life changes do I have to make to get to go to parties where this just happens...


Random song and dance are definitely lacking from all social events I have recently attended.  (I refuse to be embarrassed that I am completely addicted to SMASH, though they should stick with the original stuff, I'm not always loving the covers of random songs. If you're looking for a better Marilyn fix read this fascinating book.  I once read it cover to cover on a bus ride to NYC and I've been some what in love with it ever since!)  


I am very happy in musical theatre land right now, meaning it's going to be the worst post-show funk ever! I was a bit cynical approaching RENT, but I am lucky enough to be working with a great creative team that is lucky in itself to be cohesive and similarly-minded!  This is the first show where I've been able to approach the choreography (to an extent...) as Kim the choreographer, not Kim the musical-theatre choreographer.  I love it.  I kind of wish this whole process was being experienced on a more professional level, I would be able to go soooooo much further with my work, but I'm grateful for the opportunity, even though choreographing Rent as a freelance-artist-hired-by-a-business-school is probably making Jonathan Larson turn in his grave...


I think I am having my quarter life crisis.  I'll work through it... Quarter-life-crisis + spring-time itch + theatre-high = living a crazy life right now.  What's tough is that no one has the time to come be adventurous and have fun when I have the time to do so, but I guess that's fair since everyone I know has lots going on.


My awkward two elbows and one knee floor burn (debatably from Merli's class last Thurs) has turned into two brown stripes on my elbows and an awkward patch on my left knee.  Temporary marks on my own body freak me out since I have so many scrapes, scars, freckles, indents, weird marks that are permanent, and that I keep serious track of.  

If this is the best thing I have to write about perhaps I am done.


  1. Still amazed by that particular injury. ;) I find visible dance wounds to be both frustrating, and on the other hand, justifying. Once the shock of seeing my body bruised/scraped wears off, I'm left with visual proof of my dedication to my art form. And most of the time, it shows me that I've tested some boundaries and made it through. Maybe this is the way to view these burns?

  2. Haha yeahhhh I just wish I could explain it! I love dance wounds like bruises and sore muscles, they feel bad ass, just hate floor burn! Good/gross news is that it's flaking off...
