Friday, March 23, 2012

thursday #1212

Yup, that's right.  This is the 1212th Thursday of my life.

Actually it's probably not right, my notorious math skills have most likely led my answer astray.

There is also no real news for today, besides last night I slept on my back for the first time ever.  I can't remember what inspired this choice.

MAD MEN.  Sunday.  So excited.  After approximately 2 false alarms as to the date of its return, I can safely say I will be tuned in on Sunday.  Only thing that could be better would be to be in Mad Men... either the show or in real life... but only as someone awesome like Joan or Peggy (or a girl Don Draper/Roger Sterling)- no suburban housewifery, please.  The Menkens department store lady (Rachel?) is pretty kickass too... beats Don Draper at his own game.  Bam.

Aaaaand now I will stop procrastinating sleep; at least after I go take a long bath :)