Monday, March 12, 2012

full of hot air

I forgot how much of a summer lover I am until it strikes, and I can't bring myself to stay indoors.  It gets to be a problem when I look at a clock only to realize I need to leave for work, and I'm still wearing a tank top and pajama shorts with no makeup on my face and have wild hair.

Warm weather is for hijinks and running around Cambridge and staying up way too late and enjoying spray parks in the wee hours of the morning.  Some day I might be too old for being a wild adrenaline-junkie-adventurer-mischief maker (though hopefully not) so this is best to do before I am an entire quarter of a century old, no?

A miscellaneous thought... Titanic 3-d, why??  James Cameron can't need the money and no one wants to sit through 3 hours of sinking ship epic awkwardness... nude Kate Winslet and clothed Kathy Bates can only gain back so much ground... I've seen Titanic way too many times (a grand total of 3 times) for a movie I really cannot stand to sit through.  Gross.  Hope there aren't too many more commercials for it, makes me a bit nauseous.

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